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1. Log Into MongoDB

mongo -u <username> -p <password> --authenticationDatabase <dbname>

Câu lệnh được sử dụng để xác thực vào db ở local

2. Show All Databases

show dbs

Show tất cả các DB

3. Select Database to Work With

use <dbname>

Chọn DB sử dụng

4. Authenticate and Log Out From Database

// Authenticate
db.auth("username", "password");
// Logout

Khi chuyển sang một DB khác, cẩn phải xác thực để sử dụng DB và logout khỏi

5. List Down Collections, Users, Roles, etc.

// List down collections of the current database
show collections;
// List down all the users of current database
show users;
// List down all the roles
show roles

6. Create a Collection


7. Insert a Document in a Collection


7. Insert a Document in a Collection

// Insert single document
db.<collectionName>.insert({field1: "value", field2: "value"})
// Insert multiple documents
db.<collectionName>.insert([{field1: "value1"}, {field1: "value2"}])
db.<collectionName>.insertMany([{field1: "value1"}, {field1: "value2"}])

8. Save or Update Document

// Matching document will be updated; In case, no document matching the ID is found, a new document is created
db.<collectionName>.save({"_id": new ObjectId("jhgsdjhgdsf"), field1: "value", field2: "value"});

Câu lệnh này thực hiện hoặc là thêm mới họăc là update trường thông tin phụ thuộc voà giá trị của _id

9. Display Collection Records

// Retrieve all records
// Retrieve limited number of records; Following command will print 10 results;
// Retrieve records by id
db.<collectionName>.find({"_id": ObjectId("someid")});
// Retrieve values of specific collection attributes by passing an object having
// attribute names assigned to 1 or 0 based on whether that attribute value needs
// to be included in the output or not, respectively.
db.<collectionName>.find({"_id": ObjectId("someid")}, {field1: 1, field2: 1});
db.<collectionName>.find({"_id": ObjectId("someid")}, {field1: 0}); // Exclude field1
// Collection count

10. Administrative Commands

// Get the collection statistics
// Latency statistics for read, writes operations including average time taken for reads, writes
// and related umber of operations performed
// Get collection size for data and indexes
db.<collectionName>.dataSize() // Size of the collection
db.<collectionName>.storageSize() // Total size of document stored in the collection
db.<collectionName>.totalSize() // Total size in bytes for both collection data and indexes
db.<collectionName>.totalIndexSize() // Total size of all indexes in the collection